Get in touch with us at info@new.com
Keith Monks Audio and What We Do
What is "Precision Record Cleaning" ?​
A tiny precise suction tip, scanning across the disc a little at a time, removing every last trace of contaminated fluid - especially the mold release oils from the pressing stamper. Noise reduction is of course important, but removal of oils and residues is the biggest benefit of "proper" record cleaning.
Removing oils from outgassed materials and excess mold release agents from the original manufacturing (newer audiophile pressings being a prime example) allows the stylus to track the groove more faithfully, optimising the clarity of sound, and allowing the rest of your wonderful system to really sing.
Precision Record Cleaning restores and preserves your treasured records and also your precious stylus
Safe, proven method and results
Yes, "miracles do take a little longer" ... but longer makes perfect. And with the auto shut off (Redux, microLight, Prodigy Delux) or drop-down suction wand (Prodigy) for unattended cleaning, you really won't notice.
Zero Recontamination
The teaspoon of fluid per record side is vacuumed away and never reused. No build up of oils in the reservoir tank and fluid, no damp pads redepositing contaminated fluids - your 100th record, just as clean as your first.
We urge you, please - check out any other cleaner, and think about how it works ... no other technique or brand can avoid these problems, or rightly claim such consistency and performance.
Precision Record Cleaning cannot be done cheaply by cutting corners, nor by using "non-audio" industrial tech, microwaves and gadgetry ... this is why the Keith Monks remains uniquely, Keith Monks.
Starting a record cleaning service to bring in more customers?
You've just found the perfect machine!
· Want to attract high end record buyers through your doors - and keep them coming back? Look no further than the Keith Monks.
· Compact, quiet, automatic, speedy, easy to use ... the Keith Monks solution is unique: the most perfect machines for high-end audio hi-fi and record shops wanting to offer a customer DIY record cleaning service in-store
· Easy self service operation - no staff time needed
· Simple 3 stage operation shown on LED illuminated panel - built into the front of the microLight, and framed in the point of sale display available for Prodigy. Advertises the cleaning service, and shows customers what to do.
· Customers start it up - then while they wait for the cleaning to auto-stop, can go browse your records, accessories and equipment
· Both sides of an LP Precision Cleaned in around 3 minutes (microLight) or 5 minutes (Prodigy)
· SuperSilent - won't disturb your customers - or you !
· Boost resale prices on your best vinyl stock
· Restore well loved and poorly stored gems to premium value
· Use (and sell) Keith Monks discOvery all-natural cleaning fluids and precision cleaning brushes, Pyr/\Mat StayClean mats, and Eco|Roller manual cleaning kits
· Unique attraction and revenue stream: bring in new customers - and keep them coming back
​· The original record cleaning system, developed with the BBC and tried and trusted for half a century by the British Library and US Library of Congress - in Your store !